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Friday, June 18, 2010


So, day one into Tim's recovery. All in all everything has been going smoothly. Thankfully I can explain to Tim that I am doing something for TJ and he just has to be patient. TJ, on the other hand, has a hard time understanding that I could possibly help any one else. HOW DARE I! I think TJ has realized that daddy is on the injured list and therefor can not punish him, because he has been quite the little booger today. Every time I turn my back TJ is getting into something. By the time nap time rolled around I was exhausted. Of course today would be the day that he would wake up early from his nap but that is ok because that just means he would go to bed a little earlier then usual.
As I watch my husband make his way around the house on his crutches it makes me wonder how much longer he will allow his pain to take over. He is way too stuborn to not be walking on his own within the next week. As crazy as this may sound, it is nice to have him dependent on me. I may be eating my words soon, but as for now I am enjoying this. Hopefully his recovery wont take too long. Mommy will need a couple days to recover after he is done!

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