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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's the LAW!

So on my drive home from meeting up with some friends I glance at the car next to me because I see something moving in the back seat. As I begin to focus on what it is I realize it is a 4yr old little girl. She is leaning in between the bucket seats that make up the front row. The car was a blue Toyota Corolla. There was a man about the age of 25 driving. I tried to get his attention but he would not look at me. Obviously he knew he was doing something wrong. I continued to try for the next 3 red lights and to no avail. What made matters worse was that there was a car seat sitting on its side in the front passenger seat. As we are getting ready to cross the 4th intersection the light turns yellow so we have to slam on our brakes. My mind isn't even thinking about stopping in time or looking behind me to see if the other cars will stop in time. No. It is on the little girl who is about to fly through the front windshield! Luckily this "man" had enough sense to put his arm up and catch her. As we took off from that light I decided I was going to fall back and try to get his license plate number. He must have figured out what I was about to do because he turned right as I started to fall back. I was so shaken up by this that I missed the next turn for us to head home and had to go up a couple more streets for another turn. 

I don't understand why people have such a hard time protecting kids. I am not saying that my kid has never been in a dangerous situation, but when we are in the car he is always buckled in and the straps are pulled tightly.....even if we are just driving down the street. There have been plenty of times where I wanted to just toss him in his seat, but then I think "This is going to be the ONE TIME that someone else is driving like an A-Hole and hits us." I would rather take the extra minutes and make sure that my kid is buckled in correctly than possibly have to stare at my kid in a hospital bed just because I wanted to save a minute or two. His life is worth those extra minutes. So, needless to say....BUCKLE YOUR KIDS UP! 

Monday, June 28, 2010

My shot!

Today I went to the doctor in regards to my Carpal Tunnel. I had a Nerve Conduction Test done about a week and a half ago so we went over the results today. There is no nerve damage, which is good, but my hand still hurts. So, at my appointment we went over my options. There were 3 of them:
1. Deal with the pain every day 
2. Cortizone Shot
3. Surgery

Well, due to the fact that I have been living with this pain for the past 4 months I know I am tired of that option. On to the next.....Cortizone here we come! He shot my hand full of a numbing agent and to be perfectly honest I have no idea how I have managed to type this whole thing without major mistakes. The shot was given to me 5 hours ago and I am starting to wonder when the numbness will ever wear off. It is really starting to be annoying. Just a  constant tingling feeling. The doc said that I might still have pain for the next week because it takes a few days for the Cortizone to really take effect. For now I will just enjoy the fact that my hand is not in pain. 

As for Tim.......recovery is going ok. One of his incisions refuses to close up so that is requiring a little extra attention. He went to the doc also today and now twice daily he has to shove a saline saturated gauze piece in it! Ah, the joys of recovery. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Man oh man!

I am tired. It has been a long 7 days of Tim's recovery. I am glad that he is able to get around more on his own because it was hard taking care of him and TJ. I seriously need a vacation now!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The soreness of it all.......

So yesterday was yard work day. Tim usually mows and edges the lawn. Well, obviously that wasn't going to happen so I asked TJ if he could do it. When he started screaming at me I assumed that meant no. That left me, the lawn mower and the weed eater to duke it out in the garage. Luckily for me I have a wonderful neighbor who had already mowed the front, due to the fact that he knows of Tim's situation right now. All I had to do was take care of the back yard. Well, our mower is not self propelled so I had to push that S.O.B. the whole time. It didn't take long to do though because our dog has taken care of most of the grass back there and turned it into dirt. The real issue came when it was time for the weed eater. Now, don't get me wrong. When I was growing up I mowed and weed-eated all the time. It's just been a while because Tim doesn't want me doing it. Man, that thing was exhausting. I was tired about 2 minutes into it. It was hard for me to hold because of my Carpal Tunnel but I managed. After about 15 minutes of that I had to water some dry spots to reduce the fire hazard. That wasn't bad at all. By the time I got inside my arms were DEAD! All I wanted to do was take a shower, but of course TJ needed to be bathed also. Since I needed a shower I decided to just toss him into the shower with me. That was fine except for the fact that it drained any energy that I had left. By the time I got out of the shower it was time for TJ's lunch and then nap time.

Thank God for nap time! I am pretty sure he is going through a growth spurt because he slept for 3 1/2 hours. I actually had to go wake him up for dinner. And then when bed time came around he was sooo ready to sleep again. This morning he slept till 10am, which is a little later then usual. I thought for sure nap time was not going to happen due to him sleeping in but again he went right to sleep. He did, however, wake up early from his nap.

I feel like I have been put through the ringer ever since Tim's surgery. I feel tired all the time and don't want to do anything. I was about to ditch out on softball practice today, but I really needed my time away. When I came home from practice TJ was waiting for me with open arms. There is no better feeling then knowing that you were missed.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beyond exhaustion

So, Tim is moving around a lot more today. It's nice to not have to do just about everything for him. I am still making him rest and what not but I can tell he is tired of being broken. I don't blame him. I remember what it was like a little over a year ago recovering from my c-section.

We all went to Target today and he had me drop him off in front of the store so he could crutch over to one of the motorized carts. It was funny watching him on one of those things because it was going so slow. I know they go slow normally but this one was on its last leg! It actually broke down on him in the middle of the store. I missed this because I was busy looking at stuff and he took off without me. He had to, somehow, walk it back up to the front and get a different one. I really wish I could have seen this. I love my husband but it would have been funny to watch!

Friday, June 18, 2010


So, day one into Tim's recovery. All in all everything has been going smoothly. Thankfully I can explain to Tim that I am doing something for TJ and he just has to be patient. TJ, on the other hand, has a hard time understanding that I could possibly help any one else. HOW DARE I! I think TJ has realized that daddy is on the injured list and therefor can not punish him, because he has been quite the little booger today. Every time I turn my back TJ is getting into something. By the time nap time rolled around I was exhausted. Of course today would be the day that he would wake up early from his nap but that is ok because that just means he would go to bed a little earlier then usual.
As I watch my husband make his way around the house on his crutches it makes me wonder how much longer he will allow his pain to take over. He is way too stuborn to not be walking on his own within the next week. As crazy as this may sound, it is nice to have him dependent on me. I may be eating my words soon, but as for now I am enjoying this. Hopefully his recovery wont take too long. Mommy will need a couple days to recover after he is done!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


What a day it has been. We got to the hospital at 5:20 this morning and they were ready for Tim. The ushered us back as soon as they saw us. It was nice that we weren't reliving the issue that happened yesterday. Everything was running close to on schedule. They took Tim away from me at 7:45. I proceed to the waiting room and try to keep my mind off of things. Well, 9 o'clock rolls around and I haven't heard anything. I check my phone and see that I have a missed called from one of the nurses that checked us in, letting me know that the doctor was trying to find me (I don't see why this was so difficult since they were the ones that told me where to wait). So, I call the Recovery Nurses Station to let them know where I was. They said that Tim was in surgery and should be done shortly. Fast forward another 50 minutes. I am starting to get anxious because I haven't heard anything. Just as I was about to call the Recovery Line again a nurse from the OR came out to talk to me. He told me that Tim's surgery had started late (which I had already figured out because God blessed me with a brain and the ability to think) and that it should be another 45 minutes before he is in recovery. OK! Now that I know what is going on I can calm down. Back to my book. 10-15 minutes go by when Tim's surgeon appears in front of me. He is in his suit so I am thinking that they haven't even started yet and the hospital personnel have been lying to me. He informs me that Tim's surgery IS over and only took about 20 minutes. Everything went as he hoped it would! I could clearly see that something was irritating him though, so I asked him. He proceeds to tell me that Tim had been put under right around 8am and that the room he was in was not the room he was supposed to be in. So they moved him to his room. Then the OR didn't have the tools ready for the surgeon and they still had to be sterilized (which would take an addition 30 minutes!).  So by the time they finished Tim's surgery he had been under for about 2 hours! So, now that he is in recovery I figure they will call me back once he is awake. NOT THE CASE. I had to go all the way back to where we had checked in (the other side of the hospital) and continue to wait there. At this point it is a little after 11. They didn't call me back to "claim my husband" (as they put it) until 12:30. I knew that the recovery was going to take a while due to the fact that he was under for so long but they didn't update me once and all they kept saying was that I would get to see him in about 10-15 minutes. I kept hearing that from 10:30 till when they escorted me back. I am very displeased with how the last 24 hours has played out, however, I am thankful that this is all over and done with.


So, yesterday Tim was supposed to have knee surgery. After being there for 3 hours Tim finally asked the nurse what was going on. That is when the nurse informed us that something happened at the hospital that caused the whole surgical unit to fall behind by at least 4 hours. We don't know what happened, but obviously that caused Tim's surgery to be pushed back. She said that she was going to call Tim's doc and find out what he wanted to do. He came in shortly after and gave Tim 2 options. Option A: wait around until 8 or 9 (at this point it was 4:30) and hopefully get it done or option B: reschedule. Tim's problem was that he didn't want to wait around all day since he was starving due to the fact that he had to fast since midnight. He was also concerned that the surgery wouldn't happen for another 3-4 weeks if we rescheduled. Well, Tim's surgeon called his assistant and moved some things around and is now doing Tim's surgery at 7:30 in the morning. We need to leave the house at 5 to get there by 5:30 which is 4 hours from now. This is going to be a long day............

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The days of summer

So my friends have started a club that gets together once a week. We bring our kids and walk on a trail that is close to Lodi Lake. It is really nice to have friends that want to get together and "try" to be healthy(hahaha). I love our walks. It is so peaceful taking this nature trail. The walk lasts about 30 minutes and then after we head to the park right there and let the kids play and eat lunch while us moms have social hour. I always find myself longing for Tuesday morning when our walk will come around again. The group of girls are great too. The kids range from 4 years old to 1 month old. Everyone gets along great. A wonderful way to spend an afternoon!

On another note.......Tim will be having surgery tomorrow. He hurt his knee a few months ago at work and was put on disability till May. He tried going back to work but it just wasn't happening. It continued to hurt so they finally did a CT Scan and found out that his knee cap is in the wrong place so they are going to be cutting some tendons in hopes that his knee cap will move back to where it needs to be. Please keep your fingers crossed for us that everything goes smoothly tomorrow.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Why is my mind blank. I have millions of thoughts running through it but when it comes to writing them down I can't think straight. It's really quite frustrating because I would love to write more. Until I am able to do so, I guess you will just have to settle for the small posts about nothing.